Shilpa Shetty has teamed up with Dostana director Tarun Mansukhani yet again this time for an ad. The actress who did a Shut Up And Bounce act in his movie has now shot for a honey brand with him.
The commercial was filmed on Wednesday night at a shopping-cum-multiplex in Bandra. The shoot began at midnight and wound up at 7 am.
Lookin' fantastic
Says Mansukhani, "I can't reveal the details of the ad at this stage as the makers want to launch it in a big way. Shilpa is the brand ambassador of the product.
But what I can say is that she is looking fantastic."
This is the third time that the writer-director is making a commercial. He has worked with Abhishek Bachchan-Aishwarya Rai and Karan Johar-Kareena Kapoor in earlier ads.
Adds Shetty, "It was great working with Tarun after Dostana. I had a long but interesting shoot with the team and him. I enjoyed it."
The actress, known for her svelte figure and for being extremely health-conscious, is now spreading the virtues of honey in one's daily diet. She is also currently seen in a shampoo ad.
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